Strategic Management
Brand Introduction
& development
Product introduction
& development
Synergy, Transformations,
PMI integration
– Allocation of Resources

Strategic Management

Companies that are so great with their operational activity that they do not need strategic management – do you know any examples? Of course not because even if they existed, they went down in history a long time ago. Even the best sales results, a trusty team and a great product are not enough when no long-term development plans are made.

Our experts will help you not only at the stage of creating a strategy. They will also be with you during its implementation and verification, thanks to which it will become a part of the company’s DNA.


If you are a leader, your head is certainly full of ideas for the company’s development. Tell the experts you have chosen with Redegate about it, and they will take care of turning your vision into efficiently functioning strategic management.

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Sustainable development

Your company does not function in a comfortable vacuum. If you are aware of that, this is the first step to introduce the ideas of sustainable development to the company. It is worth making the next steps in the company of the best experts. Make your business responsible, full of positive values and focused on the future together.

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When you plan the company’s restructuring, it is worth thinking in the long term. Professional consulting in restructuring will let you not only improve the company’s current condition quickly, but also take care of what is most important: relationships with your employees and customers, the image of your business, and its chances for success in the future.

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Market expansion

Is your brand well known in Poland? It is time the global village heard about you. Thanks to the support of experts with experience in working in an international environment, you will introduce the company to new markets, making a confident step. Success abroad is possible for every business – create a strategy that is tailored to your abilities.

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Brand introduction & development

Do you want to be a new player on the market? Play the game with the best team. In co-operation with Redegate experts, you will determine who the target customers of your brand are, you will see where to find them, and you will find a niche that has not been discovered by your competition.

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Product introduction & development

The best sellers can supposedly sell even sand in a desert. Thanks to strategic consulting, your product will also achieve sales success, and, at the same time, it will meet the customers’ needs better. Our advisers will help you do market research, meet your customers and competition.

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Synergy, Transformations, PMI Integration

Merging two organisations in a proper way, you get more than one whole. Gain added value thanks to an efficient process of transformation or merging. Professional consulting will let you find a model of project management that will be optimal for the new reality of your business.

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Acquisitions, Mergers

How to combine completely different organisational cultures, structures, experiences in one company? Thanks to a thoughtful strategy, the acquisition or merger of a company will be like mixing coffee with milk, and not like mixing fire with water.

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Investments Allocation of Resources

Rational thinking and long-term planning will help you see the allocation of the company’s resources as an investment in development, and not only see it in the context of costs. Professional investment advisers will show you where it is worth to allocate your resources so that the activities bring measurable results to your business.

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The success and development of an enterprise are the result of making many extremelyimportant decisions as well as following the previously made long-term plan of development. This is the result of a carefully planned strategy that was created, including all dangers that may appear during its execution. Redegate experts will certainly help you with making this type of plan, and they will support you in all actions to implement the changes.

Strategic management–what is it actually?

Strategic management is a unique process whose goal is to support various directions of management undertaken by an enterprise. The goal of such action is, above all, to devise a strategy as well as the gradual implementation of that strategy. Strategic management is to provide market, social and environmental success to enterprises. A strategic adviser’s activities involve supporting mostly the managerial staff. The strategic adviser is a person who will help you learn the current market trends and will be able to react on the fly to phenomena observed on the market. Thanks to flexibity and the ability to predict, a company will be adequately prepared for challenges and needs presented to it by the market. Strategic consulting also allows for understanding the legal and regulatory environment. Strategic management takes care of the whole process of changes. The expert’s activities begin with a detailed analysis of the condition of a given company and the market.


Managing an enterprise strategically with Redegate

W Redegate znajdziesz ekspertów, którzy z pewnością będą w stanie pomóc Ci we wdrożeniu Twoich pomysłów na rozwój firmy. Zarządzanie strategiczne to doskonałe rozwiązanie dla firm, które nie do końca wpasowują się w obowiązujące trendy i pragną zdecydowanych zmian, które pozwolą im na zrównoważony rozwój. Skorzystanie z tego rodzaju pomocy pozwoli na poprawę bieżącej kondycji firmy i zbudowanie silnego i rozpoznawalnego wizerunku. Eksperci z Redegate pomogą w poprawie relacji nie tylko z klientami, ale i pracownikami i znacznie usprawnią komunikację. Dzięki wsparciu doradcy strategicznego będziesz w stanie wprowadzić firmę na nowe rynki oraz dotrzesz ze swoim produktem bądź usługą do większej liczby osób. 

Usługi doradztwa strategicznego mogą okazać się pomocne dla firm, którym zależy na osiągnięciu sukcesu sprzedażowego. Do zadań doradcy należeć będzie przede wszystkim szczegółowe zbadanie rynku, konkurencji i poznanie odbiorców. Działania strategiczne okażą się być nieocenione w przypadku łączenia dwóch organizacji, a także przejęć i fuzji.


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ul. Inżynierska, nr 39, lok. 206
53-228 Wrocław

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REGON: 387044670,
NIP: 8943158670